In narrow laneways, bold murals appear, emblazoned on the side of buildings, garage doors and even on rubbish bins. Melbourne is now famous for street art— or, as we call it, free public art! Let’s meet one of these artistic creators and view some of the most popular and less known hidden gems.


Tucked away from the busy CBD is Fitzroy, Melbourne’s oldest suburb. Narrow bluestone laneways lined with worker’s cottages are a feature, as is the colour that pulses out from murals painted wherever a blank surface is offered. Some art is commissioned, most is just random. And it’s not just paint. Guerrilla paste ups and sculpture can also be found, if you know where to look. This exciting world of street art is best experienced with a guide.

Painted Lanes

Your tour begins in the city. Street art is ever changing, so expect random additions. Some of the works we see are just nudging international fame. Adnate, Makatron, SmugOne and Banksy and many more work throughout the city, each offering a different style but all awesome.

Arty Fitzroy

Fitzroy is the home of street art. You will visit the Juddy Roller studio, a national leader in street art management where we meet your local street artist-guide. This is a rare and exciting opportunity to meet some of Australia’s up and coming street artists while learning the philosophy and codes of conduct within this fascinating subculture. Back at the studio you can participate in a practical workshop where each participant will create their own stencil. Spray paint in hand, you will be introduced to the techniques of ‘paint bombing’. Finally, you will be released into the ‘urban jungle’, where as a new artist you can exercise your new skills in zones that are dedicated as OK to paint in.